Image ©
Martins Bank Archive Collections

Despite there being no official reference to renumbering,
Collyhurst changes address between the 1951 and 1952 editions of the
Telephone Directory…

Image © BT

Image © BT

Then, despite surviving
the threat of demolition and redevelopment, Collyhurst becomes surplus to
Barclays’ requirements in 1969. In 1967 Martins Bank Magazine does another
of its whistle-stop tours, this time of Manchester Branches. As you may already have seen when
visiting some of the Bank’s other Manchester Branches, very little is
actually written about the offices themselves. Collyhurst is no exception:

A sharp turn left at the pub and
a long pause at the end of the street for a gap in the endless stream of
traffic on Rochdale road, and we were on the way to the Queen’s Park
trio. Collyhurst Branch, right on
the fringe of the demolitions, is old bright and rambling. Though the floods get into the basement
through the coalhole, the water drains away round an iron trap which leads
to – what? Nobody knows or cares, because they have plenty to get on with
on the ground floor…